COVID-19: Europe

Analysing the incidence of population density on COVID19 infection in Europe

Multiple Regression – COVID19 Confir./1000 inh. 04/24
Dependent variable: COVID19 Confir./1000 inh. 04/24
Independent variables:
density (per km2)
Area (km2)

.                                 Standard       T
Parameter                Estimate   Error    Statistic   P-Value
CONSTANT                 0.790899  0.39803    1.98703    0.0580
density (per km2)        0.0057684 0.00246611 2.33907    0.0276

Analysis of Variance
Source                Sum of Squares Df   Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value
Model                   8.10235      1     8.10235     5.47   0.0276
Residual               37.0223      25     1.48089
Total (Corr.)          45.1246      26

R-squared = 17.9555 percent
R-squared (adjusted for d.f.) = 14.6737 percent
Standard Error of Est. = 1.21692
Mean absolute error = 0.928434
Durbin-Watson statistic = 1.77972 (P=0.2894)
Lag 1 residual autocorrelation = 0.108316

Stepwise regression
Method: forward selection
P-to-enter: 0.05
P-to-remove: 0.05

